Save time, money and frustration from costly mistakes with these practical ideas!

101 Great Building Design Ideas!

“101 Great Building Design Ideas is filled with one great idea after another, in a very easy to read format, with lots of photos. The author, Jim Madsen, has a sense of humor and a conversational writing style, so it's fun to read.”

Julia from

Hooked on Houses

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  • What room should EVERY house have, but most homes don't? See Great Idea #47.
  • What tile choice won't cost you any more money than what you are already going to spend, but will save you hours of cleaning? See Great Ideas #33 and #35.
  • Is a 48" wide refrigerator right for your family? The answer in Great Idea #23 might surprise you.
  • Knowing Great Ideas #3, 8 and 9 could keep you from making some very BIG mistakes in your kitchen design and possibly save you thousands of dollars.
  • Your electrician probably won't offer this idea, but every one of my clients has thanked me for including this item in their home…and  it's not very expensive! It's Great Idea #74.

Curious? Here's a sneak peek at several of those Great Ideas:


For the floor of your shower, do not use 12"x12" tile. Instead, use a light colored, small tile (1"x1", 2"x2" or 4"x4") on the floor with light colored grout. The light color will hide soap residue and mineral deposits, and the small size will help make the floor more slip resistant (smaller tile means more grout, and more grout means you'll have  better traction.).


Bedroom LightingDo you like reading in bed? If so, mount wall lamps on the wall beside your bed or recessed can spotlights above your bed and have them switched individually on either side of the bed. That way you don't have to get out of bed when you are done reading to turn off the lights.


If you ever want to sleep in past sunrise, you will need to make sure the skylights you choose have a “blackout” shade option to darken the room…or just keep skylights out of your bedroom altogether.

Whether you are remodeling or building new, a truly beautiful home takes careful thought and planning. I have found that a few Great Ideas can take a home from being considered “okay” to “OUTSTANDING!” From “I like it” to “I LOVE IT!” 101 Great Building Design Ideas includes 150 full-color pictures and illustrations that help to show how you can transform a house on practically any budget. Some of them cost money to implement and others are free—or at least won't cost any more than the standard, track home alternatives. Some of these Great Ideas will even save you money, especially in the long run. You will find the value of even one Great Idea is more than worth the price of this book!

What people are saying about the book

“I love the book. I found several ideas that will be immediately useful in the new home we're building. Your ideas are creative, unique, practical and fun. I bought an extra to give away as a gift.”

- A. Skonovd

“We enjoyed Jim Madsen's book to the finest detail … he thinks of everything! Since thinking of some ways to “spice up” our own house to put on the market we found his book so helpful!”

- E. Obwald

“I read the book and loved all the tips. Could have used several of them before we built our house.”

- J. Grissom

“I bought the book and I must say, I was very impressed. Lots of great information, even for an “old decorator” like me. You can never have enough ideas!”

- D. Juvet